I bought my first motorscooter in 1958, a war surplus 47 Cushman, and have ridden motorcycles off and on since then. I bought a little 50CC scooter about 30 months ago, but soon found that it was just too small, and too slow, for more than very short trips.
In January of last year I bought a 125CC Motofino. It's made in China, what isn't, but in almost 6000 miles it's proved to be a decent vehicle. Whatever you think about this, it is something I can afford, and not go around hungry and barefoot. I can even buy a new camera, every so often. If I need to carry something bulky, or the weather isn't good, I can call a cab, or put some gas in my daughters car, and still come out ahead. Some folks don't know what to think of an old guy on a scooter, but I'm not an old guy stuck in front of a stupid TV set, because I have no other choice. The scooter keeps me, and my camera, on the move, I love it!
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When you asked "Whatever you think about this" is it safe to assume that you are referring to buying a Chinese, or other foreign, vehicle?
I used to be one of those "Buy American" folks, but no longer. As long as it works well for you, keep on enjoying your scooter, no matter who made it.
Oh, and BTW ... I passed you the other day in my COA van down on South St in Lincolnville. Good looking scooter.
Hey, some of my favorite birds hang out on South Street. I wish they would build a little catwalk along the bridge, so you could watch the marsh without blocking traffic. Not many towns have scenery and critters like that.
They will probably put a large hotel in to block anyone from seeing all that nasty mud, but, for now, it's nice! I like mud!
Thanks for visiting.
Awe-some picture of the Cardinal today Sir! Amazing photos.
Was down south of South Street on Maria Sanchez just the other day. A friend dropped her husband's ashes there. Beautiful area.
Met an old guy who said he knew my grandfather when he was a kid growing up on Washington Street.
Said as a kid he'd net blue crabs in Maria Sanchez Lake and stuff the shells with them. He sold those deviled crabs for 10 cents.
I didn't have too many memories passed to me from the grandfather since he died when I was seven. But I do know his marble are at the bottom of Maria Sanchez Lake. My Mom even showed me the spot he told her where he threw them in. No one alive remembers why he threw them in.
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